Project information

My modified version of DWM

This project emerged from my interest in Window Managers (WM) as a replacement for Desktop Environments (DE), aimed at optimizing the performance of old laptops.
My fork encompasses the following modifications:

  • Implementation of a different system font
  • Adjustment of icons for the "virtual desktops"
  • Working media keys for Dell Latitude D630 laptop
    • Made to work with PulseAudio and Alsa
  • Color scheme alteration
  • Custom .xinitrc
    • using xsetroot and awk
      • Monitoring Memory usage
      • Monitoring CPU usage
      • Monitoring Battery status
      • Displaying Date & time
    • Wallpaper management using feh
Ultimately, I archived the project as I reverted to using a conventional DE (XFCE4), and the repository was not kept synchronized with Suckless' official repository.
As of 2024, I use DWM on laptops and on my Gentoo machine. I now do a custom install everytime with my own dotfiles
. I now run Plasma KDE on my main laptop.